SASS and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Jointly Held “8. Forum Grüner Entwicklung”

Publisher:英文主页Release time:2023-06-20Number of views:18

On May 23-24, 2023, “8. Forum Grüner Entwicklung: Zukunft nachhaltiger Stadtmobilität” was held in Shanghai. The forum was co-hosted by SASS and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, and organized by the SASS Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development. The Chinese and German experts and scholars had a discussion on the vision of sustainable urban mobility, as well as possible challenges and solutions. 

Wang Dezhong, President of SASS, addressed the meeting and exchanged views. Zhu Guohong, Vice President of SASS, chaired the opening ceremony. René Bormann, Chief Representative of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation Shanghai Representative Office, delivered a speech.

The forum focused on issues such as the main goals of sustainable urban mobility, the sustainable selectivity of personal motor vehicles, new models of sustainable mobility, urban decentralization, and traffic reduction.