Masutov Aziz, Consul General of Uzbekistan in Shanghai, Visited SASS

Publisher:英文主页Release time:2023-05-15Number of views:75

Masutov Aziz, Consul General of Uzbekistan in Shanghai, visited SASS on April 27. Wang Dezhong, President of SASS, met with the delegation and exchanged views on the development of China-Uzbekistan relations, the think tank exchange and cooperation, etc.

The participating guests also included Rakhmanov Khamidjon, Consul of Uzbekistan in Shanghai, Salomov Iskandar, Director of Finance Affairs and Zhou Yao, Assistant to the Consul General. Cheng Fucai, Director of SASS Office of International Cooperation, Li Yihai, Secretary General of SASS TTF, and Sun Qi, Executive Director of SASS Center for Russia and Central Asia Studies.