The 9th Sino-Europe International Forum on Data Crime and Money Laundering was Held

Publisher:英文主页Release time:2023-03-07Number of views:26

The 9thSino-Europe International Forum on Data Crime and Money Laundering, co-hosted by Institute of Law, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) and East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL), co-organized by European Criminal Law Research Center, Institute of Law, SASS and Criminal Law College of ECUPL, successfully concluded. Featuring the theme of “Chinese and European Experience in Controlling Data Crime and Money Laundering”, the forum was carried out in a hybrid online and offline format. Ye Qing, President of ECUPL, Yao Jianlong, Director of Institute of Law, SASS, and Péter Polt, Professor in Faculty of Law Enforcement, National University of Public Service, Budapest, delivered speeches. Wu Qiaobin, Director of Department of Law Application, Law and Policy Research Office, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of PRC, delivered a keynote speech. Professor Sun Wanhuai, Dean of Criminal Law College of ECUPL, presided the forum.

After many years, the forum has served as an important platform and window to promote international academic exchange, showcase latest development of Chinese criminal justice system to European scholars, and learn from European research and practices in related fields.