SASS Held a Seminar on Cultivating New Talents in Social Sciences Research and Promoting Modernization with Chinese Characteristics and a Panel Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the First SASS Postgraduates

Publisher:英文主页Release time:2023-02-23Number of views:30

On the morning of December 11, 2022, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) held a seminar on Cultivating New Talents in Social Sciences Research and Promoting Modernization with Chinese Characteristics” and a panel celebrating the 40th anniversary of the first postgraduates of SASS. The meeting was co-sponsored by SASS Graduate School and SASS Alumni Association. Zhu Guohong, Vice President of SASS, attended the meeting. The first half of the meeting was hosted by Li Wei, President of SASS Graduate School, and Zuo Xuejin, one of the first SSAS postgraduates and former Executive Vice President of SASS. The first group of postgraduates, teacher representatives, and former leaders of the Graduate School since SASS reinstated the postgraduate enrollment in 1979 exchanged thoughts both online and onsite.