SASS Employees’ Calligraphy, Painting and Photography Works Exhibition Kicks off

Publisher:英文主页Release time:2022-10-31Number of views:20

On October 12, 2022, held by SASS Trade Union (Retiree Administration Committee) and Office of Veteran Cadres, SASS Employees’ Calligraphy, Painting and Photography Works Exhibition formally kicked off at Cultural Corridor on Floor 3 of the old building in SASS Headquarters (Middle Huaihai Road). Quan Heng, Secretary of the CPC SASS Committee, Wang Yumei, Deputy Secretary of the CPC SASS Committee, the heads of some departments, some work submitters and SASS employees attended the opening ceremony. Quan Heng and Yang Lumin (Secretary of General Party Branch for SASS Retirees) unveiled the exhibition.

Since preparation in the early August 2022, this exhibition has received much responses from all the in-service and retired employees, and a total of more than 100 calligraphy, painting and photography works were submitted. After the selection by experts, a total of 50 works (22 calligraphy works, 17 paintings and 11 photography works) were on exhibit.