SASS Won the Bids for Nine Projects Financed by Shanghai Party Building Studies Society for 2022

Publisher:英文主页Release time:2022-09-19Number of views:21

SASS successfully won the bids of nine projects financed by Shanghai Party Building Studies Society for 2022. The list is given as follows: 




Project   Name


Graduate   School

Xuan   Chuanshu

Research   on Building a Marxist Party Dedicated to Long-standing Governance


Institute   of Politics and Public Administration Studies

Xue   Zelin

Research   on Double Chain Mechanism for Improvement of Grass-roots Governance   Efficiency under the Leadership of Party Building


Institute   of Politics and Public Administration Studies

Li   Jinfeng

Research   on Strengthening Party Building Work for New Business Formats and New   Employment Groups: An Empirical Analysis Based on Questionnaire Data from P   District, Shanghai City


Institute   of Urban and Demographic Studies

Yang   Chuankai

Research   on Primary Modes, Serious Problems and Optimization Paths of Rural   Revitalization in Megacities under the Leadership of Party Building


Institute   of Politics and Public Administration Studies

Shu   Yun

Shanghai   Experience for Upholding the Leadership of Party Building as Central Axis and   Putting People’s Democracy into Practice throughout Whole Process: Research   on Leading Mechanism of Party Building in Community Representatives   Conference of N Sub-district, Shanghai


Institute   of World Economy

Zhou   Dapeng

Research   on Strengthening and Improving Prevention and Control of Network Ideological   Risks in the Context of Profound Changes Unseen in a Century and Accelerated   Evolutions


Institute   of Chinese Marxism Studies

Chen   Lanxin

Research   on Normalized Emergency Working Mechanism of Party Organizations Embedded   into Neighborhood Committees


Institute   of Applied Economics

Zhang   Guangcai

Research   on Development of Village-level Collective Economy under the Leadership of   Party Building


Institute   of Urban and Demographic Studies

Liu   Yubo

Research   on Changes in the CPC Mass Work Situation and Innovative Work System in the   Era of Big Data

Congratulations are hereby extended to the above winners!