SASS STUDIES Volume 23 (Autumn 2021)

Publisher:英文主页Release time:2022-08-26Number of views:5543

Socialist System is the Prerequisite and Foundation for the Development of New China

Cao Yongxin

Cao Yongxin, Research Professor, Institute of Chinese Marxism, SASS.


This paper in Chinese was originally published in Studies on Marxism, 2020 (5).

Abstract: Socialism with Chinese characteristics has been the theme of all the theory and practice of the Communist Party of China since the reform and opening up of China, and is a new development of socialism. Socialism with Chinese characteristics adheres to the basic principles of scientific socialism and is the concrete practice of scientific socialism in China, thus its essence is socialism. Specifically, in economic terms, this is expressed by carrying forward the superiority of the basic socialist economic system, in political terms, by insisting on the political nature of the Party's leadership and the principal status of the people, in cultural terms, by taking the cultural self-confidence as the spiritual driving force and guarantee of development; in foreign relations, by devoting to foster a new type of international relations and build a community with a shared future for mankind. It is precisely because we have adhered to the basic principles of scientific socialism that we have achieved world-renowned successes in the reform and opening-up of China, which has laid a solid foundation for realization of the China Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the early completion of a great modern socialist country.

Keywords: Socialist System; Building a Socialist System with Chinese Characteristics

On Coordination Between Development Plan and Territory Plan Regarding the Spatial Governance in the New Ear of Development: the Shanghai Case

Tu Qiyu

Tu Qiyu, Research Professor, Institute of Urban Population and Development, SASS


This paper in Chinese was originally published in Urban Planning Forum, 2021 (2).

Abstract: In China, the year of 2021 marks the launching of 14th Five-year Development Plan as well as the submitting of Territory Spatial Plan of cities all around China. This is the first trial since the united national planning system has been introduced in 2018. Regarding the spatial governance, both development plan and territory spatial plan play vital role. Then how to coordinate the planning so as to ensure the sustainable development of cities becomes a theme with both theoretical and practical meanings. Shanghai is among the few cities who have launched both new development plan and territory spatial plan. To use Shanghai as a case, this paper investigates China's progress of governance system and capacity building on the aspect of planning.

KeywordsNational Governance System; Coordination of Planning; Planning System; Territory Spatial Plan; Development Plan

The Impact of Urban Development on Youth Life Satisfaction

Xu Zhening

Xu Zhening, Research Professor, Institute of Sociology, SASS


This paper in Chinese was originally published in Youth Studies, 2020 (5).

Abstract: Based on the Urban Development Index of Chinese Cities in 2019 and the relevant survey data on youth development in 2011 and 2019, this paper aims to explore the impact of urban development on youth life satisfaction and its mechanism. According to the findings, urban development level and youth life satisfaction are not subject to a linear relationship; youth life satisfaction increases with urban development level, and urban development significantly promotes youth life satisfaction; but after urban development exceeds a certain level, youth life satisfaction declines and is no longer significantly promoted by urban development; the higher the urban development level is, the greater the difference in life satisfaction between urban and rural young people living in the same city is; urban development level acts on youth life satisfaction together with micro social demographic variables such as household registration, age, income, and marital status.

Keywords:Urbanization; Urban Development; Youth Life Satisfaction

Return to Parental Authorities and Filial Piety from the Perspective of Reflexive Practice: A Study on the Relationship between Emerging Adult Children and Their Parents in Urban Middle Class Families

Liu Wenrong, Li Bojian

Liu Wenrong, Associate Research Professor, Institute of Sociology, SASS


Li Bojian, Master graduate student, Institute of Sociology, SASS

This paper in Chinese was originally published in Youth Studies, 2020 (3).

Abstract: In the framework of reflexive practice and taking as the study object the relations between parents and single child experiencing emerging adulthood, this paper makes analysis of characteristics of generational relations and retrospective study of construction of generational intimacy, in order to understand the return to parental authorities and filial piety in urban middle-class families. Study result shows that the core characteristic of generational relations in urban middle-class families is intimacy-based operation of parental authorities and filial piety. It was found out that intimate parenting of parents and negotiating adulthood of children are two reflexive practice mechanisms for return to parental authorities and filial piety. For youth experiencing individuation process, the return to parenting and filial piety is both practice result of intimacy habits and construction of self-identity along the path of negotiating adulthood. From the perspective of micro mechanism of evolution of filial piety culture, this phenomenon reflects the creativity and dependency of reflexive practices on established family systems.

Keywords:Generational Intimacy; Reflexive Practices; Return to Parental Authorities, Filial Piety; Emerging Adulthood

An Exploration on the Physical Presence and Spatial Construction of Christian Missionaries to China in the Late Qing Dynasty

Zhang Yongguang

Zhang Yongguang, Associate Research Professor, Institute of Religious Studies, SASS


This paper in Chinese was originally published in Studies in World Religions, 2020 (3).

Abstract: The historical activities of Christian missionaries to China in the late Qing Dynasty are not only reflected over a period of a hundred years in history, but in different spatial constructions as well. The early missionaries to China who were subject to the closed-door policy of the Qing court experienced an extremely difficult survival. The treaty system that emerged after the Opium War expanded the physical presence and activity space for missionaries to China. The new and extended space for missionary activities ran into conflict with the original traditional space and brought about an ideological impact. The microscopic physical activities and spatial constructions of the Christian missionaries in China in the late Qing Dynasty are the best footnote to the shaping of the historical narrative model of Christianity in China.

Keywords: Christianity; Missionary; Body; Space

Analysis of the Adjustment Method of Macroeconomic Control Law: from the Perspective of Adjustment Method of Economic Law

Xu Lanbo

Xu Lanbo, Research Professor, Institute of Law, SASS


This paper in Chinese was originally published in Law Science, 2020 (7).

Abstract:In China, there has not been a consensus on the adjustment method of economic law, and relevant theoretical researches are still far from sufficient. Therefore, it is difficult to find the adjustment method of macroeconomic control. The adjustment method of macroeconomic control is concerned with the objective, task and effect in line with the law of macroeconomic control, and it is the behavior mode of macroeconomic control under which the government takes measures to regulate economic relations. It is composed of the categories of macroeconomic control behaviors (means of macroeconomic control) and relevant legal consequences. The adjustment method of macroeconomic control law is neither a legal activity nor a legal normal. It can exert an effect on the subject and object of the macroeconomic control law and legal norms, which features the subjective and objective unity. The logical structural elements of legal norms include right or duty and punishment, which corresponds to the means of macroeconomic control and legal consequences. Legal means and administrative means are not consistent with the legal norms of macroeconomic control, so it is not a type of macroeconomic control behavior. The eligible behaviors of macroeconomic control include currency, finance, tax, planning, and exchange rate. The law of macroeconomic control aims to regulate the power and behaviors of macroeconomic control. As a law designed to regulate the economic and social relationship between the macroeconomic regulator (organization) and the regulated subject, the law of macroeconomic control must be only related to the legal consequence, which is either positive or negative. Legal consequence does not merely mean legal responsibility, and the adjustment method of macroeconomic control law is more than the category of macroeconomic control behaviors and legal responsibility.

Keywords: Macroeconomic Control; Macroeconomic Control Law; Legal Adjustment Method; Behavior Mode; Legal Consequence

The Inclusive Development of Public Libraries Facing the Future

WANG Shiwei

Wang Shiwei, Research Professor, Institute of Information Science, SASS


This paper in Chinese was originally published in Journal of Library Science in China, 2020 (2).

Abstract: This paper puts forward the inclusive development of public libraries facing the future, analyzes the concepts of inclusive growth and inclusive development, and elaborates the high-quality balance, whole-course intelligence, and coordination and sharing that public libraries should uphold during the implementation of inclusive development strategies in the post all-round well-off period; expounds the path map for the inclusive development of public libraries, and proposes the measures, such as further transforming the advantages of the national cultural system into cultural governance efficiency, further exerting the overall coordination function of the National Library of China and provincial and municipal public libraries, and further seizing development opportunities presented by the iteration of the new technological revolution group. Reference 16.

Keywords: Public Library; Inclusive Development; Deep Equalization; Whole-course Intelligence; Cultural System; General-branch Library System; Coordination and Sharing

From Being to Becoming: The Changes of Information Production Practice and Reflection in the Mobile Communication Situation

Wang Yue, Zhang Xinzhi

Wang Yue, Associate Research Professor, Institute of Journalism, SASS


Zhang XinzhiPh. D. CandidatesInstitute of International Relations and Regional DevelopmentEast China Normal University

This paper in Chinese was originally published in China Publishing Journal, 2019 (2).

Abstract: Mobile communication situation not only provides a new practice field for information production, but also deconstructs the old information production behaviors. This paper adopts the rhizome theory to put forward an analytical framework of center/amid - one/multiple - being/becoming, and discusses the challenges brought by mobile communication to the information production practices, as well as the potential impact on the future of journalism.

Keywords: Mobile Communication; Rhizome; Connection; Becoming; Information Production