Twelve Important Academic Achievements (Series) Released by SASS Innovation Project of Philosophy and Social Sciences (Phase II)

Publisher:英文主页Release time:2022-07-21Number of views:33

“The Series of Important Academic Achievements of SASS” is annual achievements in SASS Innovation Project of Philosophy and Social Sciences (Phase II), including academic monographs, translated books, research reports, collected essays and other series, involving classical disciplines, emerging disciplines and niche disciplines in philosophy and social sciences. There are in-depth exploration of basic theories, systematic exploration of practice, strategic analysis of global development, summary of experience of China's reform and opening up, and deep analysis of local innovation.

The first batch of twelve important academic achievements in SASS Innovation Project of Philosophy and Social Sciences (Phase II) will soon be published by Shanghai People's Publishing House:

1. Wage Bargaining, Union and Firm Innovation (by Zhan Yubo)

2. 30 Years: Major Practice and Value of Pudong's Development and Opening up (by Zhang Zhaoan, et al.)

3. The Systematic Evolution and Strategic Choice of Global Geo-economics (by Yang Wenlong)

4. The Study for Marine Governance and Cooperation (by Hu Zhiyong)

5. Research on Systematic Status and Interconnection of Supervisory Committee (by Wei Changdong)

6. The Suitable Structure of Urban Road Network for Conventional Bus Transit (by Chen Chen)

7. Old Papers and the Past: Essays on History of the Institute of History, SASS (by Ma Jun)

8. The Ethical Crisis of Contemporary Entertainment Culture (by Chen Zhanbiao)

9. Global Cities: The Iteration Development and Chinese City Practice (by Su Ning)

10. The Death and Life of Homeowner’s Association (by Li Jinfeng and Han Bing)

11. The Research on New Development Paradigm Theory Mechanism and Philosophies Construction (by Hu Xiaopeng, et al.)

12. Sustainable Operation of Government Data in Big Data Environment (by Fan Jiajia)