Launch Ceremony of Embracing the Universe—A Memoir for the Past Four Decades & Symposium in Celebration of the 40th Anniversary Was Held by SASS Institute of International Relations

Publisher:英文主页Release time:2021-11-16Number of views:61

On September 28, 2021, Launch Ceremony of Embracing the Universe—A Memoir for the Past Four Decades & Symposium in Celebration of the 40th Anniversary Was Held by SASS Institute of International Relations was held at SASS.

To celebrate its 40th Anniversary, SASS Institute of International Relations has launched a series of academic events, including lecture serieson famous international relations journals, “Diplomacy Theories of the CPC in the Centenary of the CPC”, “Prospects of Cooperation between China and Visegrád Group (V4)”, “Indo-Pacific Strategic Transformation and China” and other academic seminars. Embracing the Universe—A Memoir for the Past Four Decades, International Relations: Transformation and Governance: Collected Papers of SASS Institute of International Relations in the Past Four Decades and other books have been published.