The 6th Forum on Green Development Forum Was Jointly Held by SASS and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Publisher:英文主页Release time:2021-11-16Number of views:88

On September 22-23, 2021, as a part of the 6th Forum on Green Development, Seminar on “Achieving Sustainable Development through Regional Integration in Metropolitan Areas in China and Germany” was held in Shanghai. This Forum was organized by SASS and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and co-organized by SASS Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development. Chinese and German experts and scholars discussed about sustainability, challenges and solutions for integrated development of metropolitan areas through offline conference and online video.

Heated debates focused on four themes, which are “Promoting the Economy and Improving Life Quality and Environmental Quality: Case Study on Regional Integration in the Yangtze River Delta”, “Regional Integration vs. Competition”, “Economy, Ecosystemand Social Structural Adjustment: Case Study on Rhine-Ruhr Metropolitan Area”, and “Framework Conditions for Regional Social and Ecological Integration”. Michael von der Mühlen (former Secretary of State of Germany and Director General of Construction, Housing, Urban Development and Transportation of North Rhine-Westphalia), Henrik Scheller (Head of Economics and Finance Team in Urbanization Institute of Germany), Yu Fawen (Vice President of China Ecological Economics Society), Liu Wei (Deputy Director of Ecology, Planning and Construction Department of Executive Committee of the Yangtze River Delta Integration Demonstration Zone) delivered special speeches.