Outstanding Young Employees Were Selected by SASS to Participate in Large-scale Grassroots Survey Campaign of Huangpu District for Year 2021

Publisher:英文主页Release time:2021-09-15Number of views:49

In the mid-July 2021, jointly organized by SASS, Jiefang Daily, the Party Working Committee of Huangpu District Organs and the Party Working Committee of Wuliqiao Sub-district of Huangpu District and co-organized by the SASS CYL Committee, CYL Committee of Jiefang Daily, CYL Working Committee of Huangpu District Organs and CYL Working Committee of Wuliqiao Sub-district of Huangpu District, Large-scale Grassroots Survey Campaign of Huangpu District for Year 2021 under the Theme of Young People’s Field Visit to Communities & Kick-off Meeting of Wuliqiao Sub-district Grassroots Consultation Liaison Office for Survey Campaign was held at Wuliqiao Sub-district Community Party and Mass Service Center. Wang Yumei (Deputy Secretary of the CPC SASS Committee) attended the kick-off meeting.

Five survey projects, namely, Approach to Doing a Good Job in the Grassroots Party Building for New Economy and New Business Forms, Giving Full Play to the Role of Party Building Leadership as a Platform of Community Governance, Implementation for Integration between 'Two Networks' Empowers Communities, Improvement of the Quality of Old Communities and Carrying out Governance According to Law and Promoting the Standardized Construction of Property Owners' Committees, were announced on the site. Representatives of young research personnel from SASS will serve as research project experts to jointly conduct research in cooperation with young employees of Huangpu District and Jiefang Daily.