Table Tennis Match 2020 Was Held by Labor Union of SASS The 16th Shanghai-Tianjin-Shenzhen Tri-city Forum Was Organized by SASS

Publisher:英文主页Release time:2020-12-18Number of views:66

Recently, SASS, China Development Institute and Binhai Research Institute in Tianjin have jointly organized the 16th Shanghai-Tianjin-Shenzhen Tri-city Forum. As required for normalized pandemic prevention and control, this forum adopts the form of video conference, with primary venue in SASS and branch venues in China Development Institute and Binhai Research Institute in Tianjin. With focus on the theme of “Major Public Security Event and Urban Development”, this forum discusses about two issues: “Major Public Security Event and Modernization of Urban Governance” and “Global Economic and Trade Patterns in Post-pandemic Era and Reengineering of China’s Industrial Supply Chain”.